Saturday, November 14, 2015

STOP CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY,d.bGQ&psig=AFQjCNEfLkEWqMyLt4VTT_uCB15BPh9H0g&ust=1447615436068718

Hello beloved friends,

yesterday I was starting to write a post about fashion, but facing what has happened yesterday in Paris, that just feels so amiss.

I want to say that last night watching the news on real time I felt so sad and extremely depressed. There are no words to express how horrible terrorism of any kind is.
I have never been in Paris but this attack really touched and moved something inside me probably because I feel Paris is close to my life style, to my culture, to my way of being. It was Paris but it could have been Milan, Madrid, Barcelona, London, places I love, people I love, it could have been my family, my friends, my sons, my daughters.
I want to add that we don`t have to forget that unfortunately those attacks happens too often in places further away from Europe. They are not less important, they are just more silent in the European press.

I want to say as last that terror attacks are events created by ignorance. Ignorance eats at Hate`s dinner table. They get fat eating Poverty, Hunger and Misery. Don`t bring them into your house, don`t allow them at your dinner table. More hate creates more hate as ignorance create more ignorance. Don`t listen to them. I believe the key words to stop terrorism are Awareness, Consciousness,Tolerance and Integration. Those are the weapons we should all load.

Luca, 23, 34 "Forgive them, Father, because they don`t know what they are doing". Bible

"Whoever kills and innocent person it is as if he has killed all of humanity". Quran 5:32


Ciao cari amici,

ieri stavo iniziando a scrivere un post di moda, ma di fronte a quanto è successo ieri a Parigi, mi sembrava totalmente fuori luogo.

La scorsa notte guardando le notizie in tempo reale mi sono sentita così triste e molto depressa. Non ci sono parole per esprimere quanto sia orribile il terrorismo in ogni sua forma.
Non sono mai stato a Parigi, ma questo attacco mi ha veramente toccata e ha mosso qualcosa dentro di me, probabilmente perché sento che Parigi è vicina al mio stile di vita, alla mia cultura, al mio modo di essere. Era Parigi, ma avrebbe potuto essere Milano, Madrid, Barcellona, ​​Londra, posti che amo, persone che amo, avrebbe potuto essere la mia famiglia, i miei amici, i miei figli, le mie figlie.
Aggiungo che non dobbiamo dimenticare che, purtroppo, questi attacchi accadono troppo spesso in luoghi lontani dall'Europa. Non sono meno importanti, sono solo più silenziosi nella stampa europea.

Voglio dire, come ultima cosa, che gli attacchi terroristici sono eventi creati dall'ignoranza. L'ignoranza mangia a tavola con Odio. Ingrassano mangiando Povertà, Fame e Miseria. Non lasciarli entrare a casa tua, non gli permettere di sedersi alla tua tavola. Odio genera più odio come ignoranza creare più ignoranza. Non ascoltarli. Credo che le parole chiave per fermare il terrorismo siano Consapevolezza, Coscienza, Tolleranza e Integrazione. Queste sono le armi che tutti dovremmo caricare.

Luca, 23, 34 "Perdona loro, Padre, perché non sanno quello che fanno ". Bibbia

"Chiunque uccide una persona innocente è come se uccidesse tutta l'umanità". Corano 05:32

Fermate i crimini contro l'umanità!

Xoxo Elisa

Friday, November 6, 2015

Balmain Paris x H&M

What a line!!!!

Hello everybody! The first message I received yesterday from my boyfriend was a picture of a loooong line of people waiting to get inside H&M in Oslo, followed by "Are they giving away clothes for free?!". No, baby, Balmain is launching the capsule collection with H&M ;)

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

BrandFlask_A Trip to the most fashionable Brands

Hello beloved friends!

Today I want to share with you my happyness letting you know that my blog has been featured as one of the emerging blogs by ! BrandFlask is a website that collects the favourite brands of VIPs as Jessica Alba, Miranda Kerr, Emma Stone and Alessandra Ambrosio and emerging bloggers as ME! ;), displaying them  by location or events/category type.

I collaborate with them by sending a list of my top loved brands! Have a look at it! I am sure you will find some brands that suit your taste and most likely something new :)
The guy was surprised by the original choices I gave him! :)

Here is the link

Have a look and let me know what you think and what you love :)

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